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2021 A New Year for Adopting New Ideas Opportunities Collaborations

Well, the end of 2020 is finally here! It may feel like crossing the finish line of a marathon you never meant to run, but here we are!

As practices everywhere take a short break for the holidays, hoping for infrequent emergency calls amidst a quiet Christmas, I hope you take time to rest and recharge yourself. Decelerating after being in constant motion reminds us to pay attention to what’s important in our lives, and what to let go of when we ramp back up again.

Moving into 2021, I have been pondering two questions:

What’s ONE good thing that has come from the pandemic that you will carry forward with you?

We have been giving a lot of space to the negative things that have happened this year, and all the challenges, and that’s ok. But what are the new ideas, new opportunities, collaborations, or practices you’ve adopted that actually made life better? Many colleagues I know were forced to evaluate their current business models, and what was really important to them as people and practice owners, sometimes making big changes. Some had conversations or made decisions they had put off for years. These changes ranged from letting go of the juggling act of managing a million family activities and a million work activities and realizing it was all still ok, to bigger things like hiring and firing and buying and selling practices. The word liminality comes to mind. Liminality is embracing the “inbetweeny” space between the past and an uncertain future. The liminal space is a place where we can find innovation, understand ourselves better, and ultimately come out stronger. In this next liminal period of time before COVID-19 is over, after a harrowing year, what positive things have come up for you?

As we prepare for more challenges ahead in 2021, how can we prepare ourselves to handle this leg of the journey with intelligence?

When the clock ticks over to 2021, our challenges are far from over. Life won’t go back to the way it was in 2019 for a long time, if ever. So how do we fortify ourselves for a long marathon ahead? I look at 2020 as a bizarre scene from a zombie movie: one minute walking to the truck in a nonchalant manner in chinos and polo shirt, and then COVID-19 came along, forcing us into an unprepared mad dash through the woods that just keeps on going! I hope you are able to take a few moments to make some plans for the longer term to help make your life more comfortable. What does that look like? It might mean taking time out to plan your coming year, looking at what you want to let go of and what you want to pursue. It might be as simple as scheduling in breaks or hiring a virtual assistant. It might mean that 2020 brought you clarity on your real values, and now you need to take time to live them, investing in ways to make that happen. Folding away tasks that take time and are necessary but aren’t what you want to spend your time on takes a bit of thought and a bit of courage to try.

I hope that 2020 has been that nudge to push you towards making the change that you need and want for your business so you can move into 2021 stronger than ever.

This holiday season, more than ever, I wish you a safe and happy holiday, and a little time to think and reflect, and plan forward to a better 2021.

– Dr. Melanie Barham, Host of The Better Equine Vet Practice


About the Podcast

This Podcast is designed for any member of your Team and anyone who wants to improve their practice efficiency and have more time for the things they care about. All members of your veterinary team are personally invited! We will continue to notify you as a valued member of our HVMS family whenever a podcast comes out so you can be first to know. Share with your team, discuss at a staff meeting, or just listen wherever you are!

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About the Host

Dr. Melanie Barham is a veterinarian, FEI veterinary delegate, entrepreneur, digital marketer and university instructor. With a background in eventing and performance horse practice in the US and Canada, Dr Barham currently dedicates her career efforts to the Ontario Animal Health Network, Global Veterinary Career Summit and strategic business consulting.

Interested in being a guest in an upcoming episode? Please contact us